There's nothing like the special bond between a father and daughter, despite mistakes. I try to realize that only Adam and Eve had no issues because they were already adults when they appeared on the scene. Still I've been blessed with many fond memories with my dad, and each time I look in the mirror, I'll be reminded of him. So will many readers, even if you didn't enjoy your dad as much. Someone else can raise you, but you will only ever have one biological dad. This is something to think about, since you and/or your dad may need each other some day.
If you're not getting along with Daddy, a long talk alone with him over a snack or dinner may help. What's wrong with the two of you starting over in a relationship? Making plans to do something together occasionally can be a good beginning. Persistence and consistency. Even if plans don't work out or there's a lack of enthusiasm on either side, forgive and send him a card regularly.
My experience with my dad has gone from being possessive while young, to being a mother hen after my mom's death, to being tired of him at times. I've discovered that relationships, our attitudes, bodies, and everything else change over years. If more of us could decide now about what we'd like in 5, 10, 20 years or more, things could change from what we don't like about today's relationships to more love on both sides.
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