Saturday, January 24, 2009

Coping with negative people

It's enough to deal with hearing bad news from the media, but when you're surrounded by pessimism at work or other tight places it's another thing. At least you can turn off the TV or radio. Tuning out people you can't always avoid is a challenge.

Sometimes I try to counteract the negativity with what's positive, in a non-aggressive tone. I know a harsh tone will likely lead to arguments. When the other person begins to wears me out, I find an excuse to go elsewhere.

If dodging the negative person is impossible, I change the subject as often as necessary. Or I turn up the radio or sing to myself at the appropriate time.

If the aggravating conversation persists despite the above efforts, I often stop talking altogether, because a stubborn person wants the last word. A proud person wants to convince others (and him/herself) that he or she is right. But eventually the one-way dialogue ends when he sees I don't respond. Patience is required in this case.

Meanwhile, I take the whole matter before God, who understands and knows the thoughts and intent of every heart. I let Him deal with the other person, His way. Because of the relationship I have with Him through Jesus Christ, I don't have to carry this nuisance around. So addition to believing that God will change the individual, I ask Him for more patience I need to be strong.

As I wait, I remind myself that the negative situation is temporary in comparison with eternity. Before I know it, the scenario will change one way or another. Distraction comes by meditating on what's good, true, lovely, and praiseworthy. This happens best with a relationship with God. If you don't have this relationship, just ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, by praying the following out loud:

"Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Jesus, thank You that You died for me so I would have eternal life. I believe that You are the Son of God who rose from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. I'll live for you. Thank you, Lord for saving me. Amen."

Then stay in contact by talking to the Lord everyday, and follow His Life Manual (the Bible) daily, starting with St. John. Make friends at a local Bible-teaching church and tell others about Jesus.

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