It was such a thrill and delight to connect with family friends two weeks ago. We'd known them many years but hadn't seen each other for a very long time.
A lesson I've learned is that you often get what you plan for- sometimes more, sometimes less. The important thing, though, is the quality of time spent with people. What a blessing we all had that everything went perfectly during our get together, and more! We met our friends on time, we were seated for lunch ahead of schedule, the hotel scenery was fabulous, the meal was abundantly delicious, the weather was warm and sunny, food service was excellent, and the conversation was thrilling and educational.
What we didn't expect was no charge for hotel parking, and we'd been at the hotel for more than two hours. In addition, we learned later that our friends were able to catch their return ride as hoped, because the train arrived five minutes late. All this happened despite a sluggish driver in front of us slowed progress as we raced to the station for drop-off.
And we all returned home safely. That day was a fine set-up by God for all of us. Relationships are great to nuture and to make time for. Now.
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