Saturday, January 17, 2009

Missing the Old, But Moving On

A few years ago, I became attached to a certain location because it was where a new season and chapter began in my life. The surrounding conveniences seemed to make living there the ideal setting. Despite hopes of remaining in the area, that was not to be. So we moved further away.

For a long time, my mind and heart dwelled upon sentimental memories of the old place. But I knew that progress sometimes means inconvenience. Moving forward requires adjustment to where one is now and wants to be or do in the future. So I tried concentrating on my purpose and my blessings where I'm currently living. I learned to find new activities to embrace, even if it meant doing them alone.

Sometimes an unpleasant move can open doors to similar hobbies, career/business, social/spiritual affiliations in the new area, even if they're not exactly local. These may be sources of meeting compatible, helpful people. Even though I anticipate returning to my old county in the near future, others in my position may find it more realistic to discover more potential in the new location. If you're in that situation, dwell on what you might have missed if you hadn't moved.

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