What I'm about to say is NOT religion...
We are put on this earth, made in God's image, to fulfill His purposes. Not ours. It's possible to work out, be successful, be wealthy, have a high IQ, have a happy marriage, etc. But it's life spent in vain, if it excludes a relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.He made us to serve Him, worship Him, trust Him, live for Him, develop His character/nature, learn to love others made in His image, minister to and encourage others for Him, and carry His message of the Good News to others.With a relationship with God, He works within us to develop of sense of meaning and gives direction to our lives and future, even if we're not rich, good-looking, famous, or otherwise valuable in man's eyes.
Anyway, after finding myself verrrry frustrated with my life, I learned that life was not about me. Then I poured out everything I felt to God, who began to speak personally to me about my future. I now have peace and know where I'm headed. He's promised to be with me wherever I go. The same can apply to anyone who sincerely calls upon the Lord. To learn more, visit http://www.purposedrivenlife.com/.
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