I've found that there are two major groups of people when it comes to progress: producers and consumers. Producers are aggressive and seek to change the status quo. They're risk-takers who prepare themselves and aren't hindered by obstacles. At the other end, there are those who have potential and the opportunity, but don't want to do anything to move forward. Some consumers are whiners who wish for more and criticize the people who just get things done.
The reason why certain people don't try to excel is that they like their comfort zone, predictable settings, and freedom from challenges. They may be fearful of potential failure at the next level, or loss of friends. They may hate to learn something new or assume more responsibility. Threat of confrontations, mistakes, different personalities, and other issues are difficult for some passive people to handle.
As I get older, I'm learning to be bold enough to take risks. I've decided that when I make a mistake, to learn from it and move on. My goal is to fulfill my God-given purpose, not make excuses.
To whom much is given, much is required. In other words, great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Why Suicide?

I'm amazed at the numerous online postings people make about considering suicide. It proves that we're not designed to be self-sufficient. There's only so much we can take. If you're reading this and believe you've reached the end of your rope, think about this:
We all have alot to live for. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not talking about religion, but a relationship: God created us to be like Him in character, to flourish, to live in abundance, for His pleasure. This is enough of a reason to live.
If everyone abandoned you, God would still take care of you if you put Him first. This relationship starts by trusting, confessing Jesus Christ with your mouth, and believing in your heart that He rose from the dead. Then you'll be saved from wrong living and eternal destruction. He made you, gave you talents, skills, and abilities you probably haven't discovered yet. They are all meant for you to use for God. If you keep Him first in your heart, He'll draw closer and show you how to live, and guide you in the right path.
If you didn't know, suicide is still murder. Unrepented murderers don't go to heaven when they die. Those who lived in disobedience to God spend eternity in hell, where there's no relief from suffering or torment. Don't fall for the idea that when you die, that's the end of existence. Unlike lower animals, our souls live on.
If you want a fresh start to go in a better direction, it takes only a little faith that God, the only One who really knows you, will help you. But you must believe He will. He helped me when I was miserable, and He still does. I'm not that tormented, insecure, crybaby, introverted, and frustrated person I used to be.
Let God do a new thing in you and pray the following aloud:
"Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord for saving me. I’m forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart. Amen."
"Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord for saving me. I’m forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus in my heart. Amen."
If you meant what you just prayed, Congratulations, and welcome to the family of God! Be sure to tell someone you've accepted Jesus Christ into your life.
Keep the relationship going by
o Talking to God everyday about everything. Spend time alone with Him, ask for His help, in the name of Jesus Christ
o Reading, meditating, and applying His Word daily from the Bible to your life. Start with St. John and I John from the Message or Amplified Bible version.
o Making friends at a local Bible-teaching, Holy Spirit-led church, where you can be encouraged in your walk of faith
o Telling others about Jesus Christ.
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